Docker cleanup

Docker cleanup

Docker is an incredibly powerful tool for containerizing applications, but it can quickly consume a significant amount of disk space on your machine.

Cleanup Docker images

To remove all unused Docker images, run

docker image prune -a

If you want to remove only dangling images (i.e., images that aren't associated with any containers), simply omit the -a flag:

docker image prune

Additionally, you can filter the images you want to remove by adding the --filter flag. For instance, to remove images older than 30 days, run:

docker image prune -a --filter "until=720h"

Cleanup Docker containers

To remove all stopped containers, run

docker container prune

If you want to remove all containers, including the running ones, you can use the docker rm command with the -f flag:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

Cleanup Docker volumes

To remove all unused volumes, run

docker volume prune

You can also filter the volumes you want to remove by using the --filter flag. For example, to remove volumes that are not associated with any containers, run

docker volume prune --filter "dangling=true"

Docker cleanup everything

If you want to clean up everything, including unused images, stopped containers, and unused volumes

docker system prune -a --volumes

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